For part one of your course project, please conduct research in your region and compile a list of local health care organizations.
Module 01 – Introduction to Health Care Professions
We will focus on the types of Health Care Organizations that you will find in most geographic regions of the United States. While all health care organizations work towards improving the health of their communities, there are different classifications including acute care, ambulatory care, and long-term care.
For-Profit and Not-For-Profit
Health care organizations can also be for-profit or not-for-profit. For-profit health care organizations are owned by investors, and not-for-profit health care organizations are owned by other not-for-profit organizations like churches or universities.
In addition to ownership, the differences between these models include their financial structures and goals. While there are differences, they operate and have similar organizational structures.
Inpatient and Outpatient
When discussing these types of Health Care Organizations, it is important to understand the difference between inpatient and outpatient services. Anytime you see the word inpatient, it means that the patient receives care overnight. Anytime you see the word outpatient, it means that they are treated in one day and are discharged without staying overnight.
Types of Facilities
Acute care facilities have patients that are admitted overnight with expected length of stay times of less than 30 days. The most common type of acute care facility is a hospital. In this type of setting patients usually receive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, for example: labs, radiology, surgeries, and rehabilitation.
Ambulatory care facilities offer outpatient services, which do not require an overnight admission. Some examples of ambulatory care facilities include: physician offices, public health departments, dental clinics, and chiropractic offices.
Long-term care facilitiesusually contain patients with a length of stay of greater than 30 days. Examples of long-term care facilities include: skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, and rehabilitation hospitals.
Public Health Departments and Free Clinics operate to help individuals with limited or no health insurance. While funding varies, public health departments typically operate with the help of state taxes and Free Clinics are usually run by volunteers. Many times medical students and dental students will work at free clinics to help earn their clinical hours while also benefitting the general population.