Research Proposal Project
All components of this project have been completed in previous weeks, so your final research proposal project paper should be cohesive, polished, and incorporate feedback from your instructor from the previous weeks.
Your research proposal must include the following sections:
You must include the following components:
Section One: Introduction
The research proposal should:
Section Two: Literature Review
The literature review should:
Section Three: Design and Methodology
In this section, what is to be done, and who, what, how, and where are all to be included in your proposal. The methods should be relevant to the question that is to be answered as a result of the research study. There should be information included about the study design, the setting and sample, data collection methods, and data collection analysis procedures. Ethical considerations should also be addressed in this area. Limitations and a plan for communicating the research findings should also be included in this section.
All critical elements of design and methods should be detailed, including:
Literature Review
Literature Review
Obesity has been a major public health concern, especially in middle-aged adults in
healthcare. Its severe effects on people’s well-being and health and its economic struggles make
it necessary to have effective strategies to manage the condition. Nurses are integral in providing
comprehensive care and in addressing obesity. There is a need to comprehend various literature
on the effects of obesity and nurses’ role in managing the disease to create evidence-based
guidelines and interventions. The literature review seeks to assess the effect of obesity on
middle-aged adults in healthcare and analyze nurses’ role in managing the condition. By looking
at scholarly sources and assessing their facts, the assessment will give insights into the
significance and effectiveness of various nursing interventions, challenges, and opportunities. It
will also show the correlation between obesity and mental health. The assessment will help
develop initiatives and strategies that strengthen nurses’ role and capacity to manage obesity and
enhance health outcomes.
Correlation between Obesity and Mental Health
The first research question assesses the correlation between adult patients’ mental health
outcomes and the disease. Various sources have assessed the complicated relationship. For
example, Liu et al. (2022) did a study to assess the effect of obesity on mental health in middleaged adults, and it was realized the relationship was bidirectional. This means that obesity
increases one’s risk of mental health issues, while mental health issues increase one’s chances of
suffering from obesity. The research’s outcomes are relevant since they show the connection
between physical and mental health based on obesity. Analyzing the literature’s validity is vital
since Wu et al. (2022) did a systematic assessment and meta-analyses of research focusing on the
link between mental health outcomes and obesity. The outcomes showed consistent evidence
indicating obesity was directly linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The
research also indicated a need for further studies to improve the understanding of the potential
moderators and underlying elements that define the relationship.
Opportunities and Challenges resulting from implementing Nursing Interventions
The next research question examines the opportunities and challenges resulting from
implementing interventions to manage obesity. Various sources indicate the facilitators and
barriers to implementing a nursing-led intervention. For example, Lukewich et al. (2022) did a
study to assess healthcare professionals’ opinions on implementing nursing-led interventions.
Opportunities were identified, including patient-centered care strategies and interprofessional
collaboration. Challenges were also identified, including a lack of training, limited resources, and
time constraints. The research’s outcomes are relevant since they make one comprehend the
practical elements of using interventions led by nurses in managing obesity. The literature’s
validity is ensured by assessing the information and results derived. Saarikko et al. (2023) did a
mixed-method study to assess the relevance of nursing interventions in managing the condition.
Patients and healthcare professionals provided positive feedback, thus supporting the
effectiveness of the strategies. There was a need for more research to discuss challenges
stemming from implementing nurse-led interventions and ensuring they are sustainable in the
long term.
Nurse-led Motivational Interviewing in Managing Obesity
The last research question looks at the impact of nurse-led motivational interviewing on
those with obesity. Various sources have analyzed the treatment strategy and its effectiveness in
managing patient weight. For instance, Nwiloh (2022) did a study assessing standard care and
nurse-led motivational interviewing. It was realized that those who underwent nurse-led
motivational interviewing significantly reduced their weight and showed improved outcomes
compared to those who underwent standard care. The study is relevant since it indicates nurseled intervention in dealing with obesity. When assessing the literature’s validity, Coyne &
Correnti (2014) assessed various research on nurse-led motivational interviewing in managing
obesity. Despite the optimistic outcomes in behavior change and weight loss, there needed to be
more in the quality of the methodology used in some analyses. This demonstrates the need for
more research in the area.
Validity and Relevance
The studies assessed give insight into the effect of obesity on middle-aged adults and
nurses’ role in managing the condition. The studies focus on nurse-led strategies, their
opportunities and challenges, and the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity.
Despite some studies showing positive results and strengthening the argument that nurse-led
interventions are effective, others illustrate gaps in study design and indicate the need for more
studies to identify and deal with factors preventing implementation. The relevance of the studies
in handling the study hypothesis and questions is relevant. The sections align with the research
questions while giving insight into the topic. The studies used to show the effectiveness of nurseled motivational interviewing, facilitators and barriers in implementing them, and the correlation
between mental health outcomes and obesity.
Unique Contribution and Gaps
Various contributions have resulted from the literature review. The first is the
relationship between mental health outcomes and obesity. There is a need for a holistic strategy
that considers patients’ physical and mental requirements when managing the condition. The
finding shows the significance of integrated treatment strategies focusing on the complicated
relationship between mental health and obesity. The literature also examines the opportunities
and challenges stemming from implementing nurse-led interventions. Time constraints, limited
resources, and lack of training are some barriers, and patient-centered treatment strategies and
interprofessional collaboration are the identified opportunities. Comprehending them can guide
nurses in creating guidelines and strategies that improve health facilities in managing the
condition. The literature underlines the significance of nurse-led interventions like motivational
interviewing in dealing with the issue. The effectiveness of the treatment strategy in dealing with
weight loss and providing better health outcomes is indicated in the literature.
Obesity in middle-aged adults is a major health concern, thus the reason it is vital to look
at nurses’ role in its management. The assessment has outlined the impact of obesity, the
usefulness of nurse-led treatment strategies, the opportunities and challenges in enforcing them,
and the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity. There is proof in the literature
supporting the connection between obesity and mental health outcomes. Studies and systematic
assessments have revealed proof of the correlation between the disease and various cognitive
health issues. Still, the sophistication of their connection underlines the need for more
investigations on possible moderators. Utilizing nurse-led treatment strategies in dealing with the
disease is hindered by issues like a lack of training, limited resources, and time constraints.
Studies have indicated various opportunities that may result in improved health outcomes, like
using patient-centered treatment strategies and interprofessional collaboration. Comprehending
the opportunities and challenges can lead to the creation of improved initiatives and guidelines to
improve nurses and health facilities in dealing with the disease. The review also highlighted the
efficacy of nurse-led motivational interviewing as a treatment strategy. Systematic reviews and
random trials showed positive results in behavior change and weight loss, but there were
limitations stemming from the quality of methodologies and the study design utilized. This
indicates a need for additional research.
Coyne, N., & Correnti, D. (2014). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing to improve chronic
condition self-management: what does the research show us?. Home Healthcare
Now, 32(1), 56-63.
Liu, W., Yang, C., Liu, L., Kong, G., & Zhang, L. (2022). Bidirectional associations of vision
loss, hearing loss, and dual sensory loss with depressive symptoms among the middleaged and older adults in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 225-232.
Lukewich, J., Martin-Misener, R., Norful, A. A., Poitras, M. E., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Asghari,
S., … & Tranmer, J. (2022). Effectiveness of registered nurses on patient outcomes in
primary care: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1-34.
Nwiloh, M. O. (2022). Utilizing Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Improve Compliance
with Self-Care Among Hispanic Adults with Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and
Saarikko, J., Axelin, A., Huvinen, E., Rahmani, A. M., Azimi, I., Pasanen, M., & Niela-Vilén, H.
(2023). Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable
internet-of-things (SLIM)-intervention for overweight pregnant women: Study protocol
for a quasi-experimental trial. PloS one, 18(1), e0279696.
Wu, Q., Feng, J., & Pan, C. W. (2022). Risk factors for depression in the elderly: an umbrella
review of published meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Journal of Affective
Data Analysis Plan
The goal of the analysis is to understand the effect of obesity on middle-aged adults with
a particular focus on their mental health. The variables include the individual’s obesity status,
defined as normal weight, overweight, or obese. The dependent variable is presence of anxiety or
depression, measured on an continuous scale from low values to high values. The hull hypothesis
is that there is no relationship between obesity status and mental health status while the
alternative research hypothesis states that there is a relationship and that specifically those with
obesity are more likely to report higher anxiety and/or depression and generally have poorer
mental health outcomes.
This hypothesis will be tested using an ANOVA where the anxiety and depression scores
will be compared across the three obesity status groups and any difference in the means will be
detected. This one-way ANOVA is one of the most frequently used statistical tests and is utilized
when the mean of a continuous variable is compared across three or more groups (Kim, 2017). It
is an extension of the t-test in this way. Assumptions of the ANOVA include that each data point
is independently collected, the distributions across the different groupings have the same
variance, and the responses within each factor are generally normally distributed (Kim and
Cribbie, 2018). However, the ANOVA is largely robust to differences in variance between the
groups, so this requirement is often relaxed (Kim and Cribbie, 2018).
The level of significance is the probability that the results are incorrect. More
specifically, it is the probability of a Type 1 error where a null hypothesis that is actually true is
rejected (Tenny and Abdelgawad, 2022). In this study, a significance level of 0.05 will be
utilized. If the p-value of the ANOVA test is less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected. This
means that in the data, there is a statistically significant difference in mental health outcomes
across the different obesity status groups. Failure to reject the null hypothesis would occur when
the p-value from the ANOVA test is greater than 0.05 and indicates that there is no statistically
significant difference in obesity status between the groups. Because the ANOVA test only speaks
to a difference across any of the groups, a statistically significant result would mean that at least
one of the groups is different from the others. Post-hoc tests would be required to further narrow
down which group or groups are different from the others.
Kim T. K. (2017). Understanding one-way ANOVA using conceptual figures. Korean journal of
anesthesiology, 70(1), 22–26.
Kim, Y. J., & Cribbie, R. A. (2018). ANOVA and the variance homogeneity assumption:
Exploring a better gatekeeper. The British journal of mathematical and statistical
psychology, 71(1), 1–12.
Tenny, S., & Abdelgawad, I. (2022). Statistical Significance. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
Research Proposal Project
Student Name
Instructor’s Name
Research Proposal Project
Implementation Plan
To ensure the research adheres to various ethical requirements, providing participants
with informed consent is vital. Participants will be given a clear and comprehensive informed
consent form detailing the study’s purpose, the processes involved, risks and benefits, their
rights, and confidential strategies. They will also have adequate time to assess the consent form
and ask questions before submitting their informed consent to participate. Another step is
voluntary participation. Participants can partake in the analysis voluntarily and can stop
participating at any time without being punished. They will determine whether to partake, which
will not influence the services or other benefits they are entitled to.
There is confidentiality. Participants’ information will be safeguarded during the study.
All the information gathered will be coded and stored safely, with only the research team able to
access it. Personal information will be put separately from other information to emphasize
anonymity. Their privacy will be respected as data is collected. The research team will ensure the
places designated as data collection areas are free and private, thus no interruptions or
distractions that would compromise confidentiality (Mack et al., 2005). Data protection is also
vital, and it entails taking measures to safeguard the collected data from loss, misuse, or
unauthorized access. Only authorized members will access the data, and storage is in a secure
digital storage system.
Recruitment Process
Participants will be selected using the following strategies; inclusion criteria will ensure
those participating meet the particular requirements of the research. This will ensure the data
gathered aligns with the research goals and questions (Gersten et al., 2005). They will be notified
about the research using different channels like announcements, social media posts, posters, and
flyers. They will be told the purpose of the research, the processes involved, and the potential
risks and benefits.
Only those who volunteer will participate. Once the participants are interested, they will
be given informed consent forms. The study team will detail their contents, answer any
questions, and ensure they fully comprehend the research before getting informed consent
(Marshall, 2006). If applicable, participants may get incentives for taking part in the research. It
is vital to remind them that the incentives are not based on certain outcomes and that participants
can withdraw freely at any time and will still be eligible to get the incentives.
Data Collection Process
Quantitative data is gathered using a survey questionnaire based on the research goals. It
includes validated items and scales relevant to the research. The questionnaire will be provided
to participants electronically or in person. To ensure the data collected is of high quality, a pilot
assessment of the survey questionnaire will be done with some of the participants to determine
its comprehensibility, clarity, and feasibility (Pattinson et al., 2023). The revisions made will be
determined by the feedback obtained.
Trained research professionals will provide survey questionnaires to the sample
population and ensure all procedures are standardized and consistent. Participants will be given
clear instructions to mitigate response biases. Data collected will be recorded accurately to
ensure they are precise and complete. Data entry and assessment procedures will be used to
minimize mistakes in transcription. The ethical guidelines detailed will enable the study to
promote integrity and safeguard the rights and well-being of the sample population.
Informed consent form
A Literature Review on The Effect of Obesity on Middle-Aged Adults in Healthcare
Informed Consent Form
You are requested to engage in a research study done by (name) at ….. University/College. The
analysis seeks to evaluate the impact of obesity on middle-aged adults and nurses’ role in
controlling the disease. The goal is to develop evidence-based interventions and policies to
manage the condition and enhance patient outcomes. Carefully read and analyze the form before
agreeing to participate. You can air your concerns or questions to the research team in case of
Suppose you decide to engage in the study. In that case, the study team will review different
scholarly sources that focus on the effect of the condition on middle-aged adults and nurses’ role
in controlling the disease. The research team will also assess the data and outcomes from the
literature to understand the importance and effectiveness of different nursing interventions,
opportunities, and challenges.
Risks and Benefits
There are no risks correlated to engaging in the study, but it is vital to understand the research
entails assessing existing sources, and the outcomes may not directly benefit you. The gathered
information will add to the development of evidence-based interventions and guidelines for
managing the condition.
Identity will be confidential during your time participating and after the study is completed, and
the data collected will be anonymized and safely stored. Only the authorized research members
will access the data, and outcomes will be detailed in aggregate form to ensure participants are
Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal
One is allowed to participate voluntarily, and in case they feel they should withdraw, no one will
prevent them from doing so. The decision to be part of the study will not affect whether you get
health services and the relevant benefits you are entitled to.
Contact Information
In case you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about your rights as a participant or the
study, you can contact ……… at …
By signing the lines below, you agree that you have read and comprehended the information in
this form and voluntarily agree to engage in the study.
Participant’s Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________________
Researcher’s Signature: ______________________ Date: ______________________
Gersten, R., Fuchs, L. S., Compton, D., Coyne, M., Greenwood, C., & Innocenti, M. S. (2005).
Quality indicators for group experimental and quasi-experimental research in special
education. Exceptional children, 71(2), 149-164.
Mack, N., Woodsong, C., MacQueen, K. M., & Guest, G. (2005). Qualitative research methods.
Family Health International.
Marshall, P. A. (2006). Informed consent in international health research. Journal of Empirical
Research on Human Research Ethics, 1(1), 25-41.
Pattinson, R., Trialonis-Suthakharan, N., Hewitt, R. M., Valencia López, M. J., Tahmasebi
Gandomkari, N., Austin, J., … & Bundy, C. (2023). Evidence of the content validity,
acceptability, and feasibility of a new Patient-Reported Impact of Dermatological
Diseases measure. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 744.
Sampling, Reliability, Validity
Student Name
Instructor’s Name
Sampling, Reliability, Validity
The literature assessment seeks to examine the impacts of obesity on middle-aged adults
and nurses’ role in managing it.
Information on the Sample.
The literature review’s sample entails multiple scholarly sources containing research on
the impacts of the disease on the specified population and nurses’ roles. The sample includes
research studies, meta-analyses, systematic assessments, and mixed-method research conducted
in peer review journals. The materials were chosen since they concentrated on the research
questions and improved one’s comprehension of the topics.
The sample size cannot be used in the assessment since it concentrates on various studies
instead of focusing on research with various participants (Vasileiou et al., 2018). Each study has
different sample sizes due to their different natures. The scholarly sources utilized in the
assessment are relevant to the research since they are peer-review assessments scrutinized and
evaluated by health professionals. They offer knowledge and evidence on the impacts of obesity
on the specified population and how nurses can help manage the disease. The goal is to develop a
comprehensive topic assessment and improve people’s understanding.
The data collection approach entails systematic searches and choosing appropriate
sources from reliable and accurate databases. The strategy includes inclusion and exclusion
criteria to ensure consistent selection procedures. The inclusion criteria focus on research on the
impacts of obesity on the target population and nurses’ roles. The systematic strategy makes the
data collection processes consistent and trustworthy. The measurement tool to assess reliability is
scholarly sources. They have been reviewed, and the academic community considers them
reliable. The use of high-quality studies from reliable databases makes the information and
findings provided reliable.
Validity is proven using a comprehensive research approach that seeks to determine
scholarly sources that are relevant and from reliable databases. The inclusion and exclusion
criteria focused on studies that discussed the research questions and offered insight into the
topics. Utilizing various studies improved the sample validity since it resulted in different
opinions and strategies on the subject (Keeney et al., 2006). Considering the literature review
relies on available scholarly sources, there is no particular tool that should be tested for validity.
The validity of the relevant information and outcomes is ensured by choosing high-quality
research in peer-reviewed journals. The fact healthcare professionals have evaluated them
indicates the validity of the information within them. Also, using various studies with the same
findings enhances the validity of the review’s conclusions.
To conclude, the sample utilized in the research review entails different scholarly sources
like meta-analyses, research studies, systematic assessments, and mixed-methods studies in peerreviewed studies. The sample was chosen based on their focus on the research question, how
they contributed to the comprehension of the disease in the specified population, and nurses’ role
in managing it. Even though it is irrelevant to discuss sample size, considering it was a literature
review, high-quality studies make the information utilized valid and reliable. The data collection
approach utilizes a systematic strategy, thus ensuring information is consistent and accurate, and
scholarly sources are utilized as measurement tools. Validity was emphasized using a
comprehensive search approach and inclusion and exclusion criteria. The utilization of various
studies with similar outcomes strengthens the conclusions’ validity, and the research utilized in
the review is relevant and offers insight into obesity and nursing strategies.
Keeney, S., Hasson, F., & McKenna, H. (2006). Consulting the oracle: ten lessons from using the
Delphi technique in nursing research. Journal of advanced nursing, 53(2), 205-212.
Vasileiou, K., Barnett, J., Thorpe, S., & Young, T. (2018). Characterising and justifying sample
size sufficiency in interview-based studies: systematic analysis of qualitative health
research over a 15-year period. BMC medical research methodology, 18, 1-18.
Literature Review
Literature Review
Obesity has been a major public health concern, especially in middle-aged adults in
healthcare. Its severe effects on people’s well-being and health and its economic struggles make
it necessary to have effective strategies to manage the condition. Nurses are integral in providing
comprehensive care and in addressing obesity. There is a need to comprehend various literature
on the effects of obesity and nurses’ role in managing the disease to create evidence-based
guidelines and interventions. The literature review seeks to assess the effect of obesity on
middle-aged adults in healthcare and analyze nurses’ role in managing the condition. By looking
at scholarly sources and assessing their facts, the assessment will give insights into the
significance and effectiveness of various nursing interventions, challenges, and opportunities. It
will also show the correlation between obesity and mental health. The assessment will help
develop initiatives and strategies that strengthen nurses’ role and capacity to manage obesity and
enhance health outcomes.
Correlation between Obesity and Mental Health
The first research question assesses the correlation between adult patients’ mental health
outcomes and the disease. Various sources have assessed the complicated relationship. For
example, Liu et al. (2022) did a study to assess the effect of obesity on mental health in middleaged adults, and it was realized the relationship was bidirectional. This means that obesity
increases one’s risk of mental health issues, while mental health issues increase one’s chances of
suffering from obesity. The research’s outcomes are relevant since they show the connection
between physical and mental health based on obesity. Analyzing the literature’s validity is vital
since Wu et al. (2022) did a systematic assessment and meta-analyses of research focusing on the
link between mental health outcomes and obesity. The outcomes showed consistent evidence
indicating obesity was directly linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. The
research also indicated a need for further studies to improve the understanding of the potential
moderators and underlying elements that define the relationship.
Opportunities and Challenges resulting from implementing Nursing Interventions
The next research question examines the opportunities and challenges resulting from
implementing interventions to manage obesity. Various sources indicate the facilitators and
barriers to implementing a nursing-led intervention. For example, Lukewich et al. (2022) did a
study to assess healthcare professionals’ opinions on implementing nursing-led interventions.
Opportunities were identified, including patient-centered care strategies and interprofessional
collaboration. Challenges were also identified, including a lack of training, limited resources, and
time constraints. The research’s outcomes are relevant since they make one comprehend the
practical elements of using interventions led by nurses in managing obesity. The literature’s
validity is ensured by assessing the information and results derived. Saarikko et al. (2023) did a
mixed-method study to assess the relevance of nursing interventions in managing the condition.
Patients and healthcare professionals provided positive feedback, thus supporting the
effectiveness of the strategies. There was a need for more research to discuss challenges
stemming from implementing nurse-led interventions and ensuring they are sustainable in the
long term.
Nurse-led Motivational Interviewing in Managing Obesity
The last research question looks at the impact of nurse-led motivational interviewing on
those with obesity. Various sources have analyzed the treatment strategy and its effectiveness in
managing patient weight. For instance, Nwiloh (2022) did a study assessing standard care and
nurse-led motivational interviewing. It was realized that those who underwent nurse-led
motivational interviewing significantly reduced their weight and showed improved outcomes
compared to those who underwent standard care. The study is relevant since it indicates nurseled intervention in dealing with obesity. When assessing the literature’s validity, Coyne &
Correnti (2014) assessed various research on nurse-led motivational interviewing in managing
obesity. Despite the optimistic outcomes in behavior change and weight loss, there needed to be
more in the quality of the methodology used in some analyses. This demonstrates the need for
more research in the area.
Validity and Relevance
The studies assessed give insight into the effect of obesity on middle-aged adults and
nurses’ role in managing the condition. The studies focus on nurse-led strategies, their
opportunities and challenges, and the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity.
Despite some studies showing positive results and strengthening the argument that nurse-led
interventions are effective, others illustrate gaps in study design and indicate the need for more
studies to identify and deal with factors preventing implementation. The relevance of the studies
in handling the study hypothesis and questions is relevant. The sections align with the research
questions while giving insight into the topic. The studies used to show the effectiveness of nurseled motivational interviewing, facilitators and barriers in implementing them, and the correlation
between mental health outcomes and obesity.
Unique Contribution and Gaps
Various contributions have resulted from the literature review. The first is the
relationship between mental health outcomes and obesity. There is a need for a holistic strategy
that considers patients’ physical and mental requirements when managing the condition. The
finding shows the significance of integrated treatment strategies focusing on the complicated
relationship between mental health and obesity. The literature also examines the opportunities
and challenges stemming from implementing nurse-led interventions. Time constraints, limited
resources, and lack of training are some barriers, and patient-centered treatment strategies and
interprofessional collaboration are the identified opportunities. Comprehending them can guide
nurses in creating guidelines and strategies that improve health facilities in managing the
condition. The literature underlines the significance of nurse-led interventions like motivational
interviewing in dealing with the issue. The effectiveness of the treatment strategy in dealing with
weight loss and providing better health outcomes is indicated in the literature.
Obesity in middle-aged adults is a major health concern, thus the reason it is vital to look
at nurses’ role in its management. The assessment has outlined the impact of obesity, the
usefulness of nurse-led treatment strategies, the opportunities and challenges in enforcing them,
and the correlation between mental health outcomes and obesity. There is proof in the literature
supporting the connection between obesity and mental health outcomes. Studies and systematic
assessments have revealed proof of the correlation between the disease and various cognitive
health issues. Still, the sophistication of their connection underlines the need for more
investigations on possible moderators. Utilizing nurse-led treatment strategies in dealing with the
disease is hindered by issues like a lack of training, limited resources, and time constraints.
Studies have indicated various opportunities that may result in improved health outcomes, like
using patient-centered treatment strategies and interprofessional collaboration. Comprehending
the opportunities and challenges can lead to the creation of improved initiatives and guidelines to
improve nurses and health facilities in dealing with the disease. The review also highlighted the
efficacy of nurse-led motivational interviewing as a treatment strategy. Systematic reviews and
random trials showed positive results in behavior change and weight loss, but there were
limitations stemming from the quality of methodologies and the study design utilized. This
indicates a need for additional research.
Coyne, N., & Correnti, D. (2014). Effectiveness of motivational interviewing to improve chronic
condition self-management: what does the research show us?. Home Healthcare
Now, 32(1), 56-63.
Liu, W., Yang, C., Liu, L., Kong, G., & Zhang, L. (2022). Bidirectional associations of vision
loss, hearing loss, and dual sensory loss with depressive symptoms among the middleaged and older adults in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 225-232.
Lukewich, J., Martin-Misener, R., Norful, A. A., Poitras, M. E., Bryant-Lukosius, D., Asghari,
S., … & Tranmer, J. (2022). Effectiveness of registered nurses on patient outcomes in
primary care: a systematic review. BMC health services research, 22(1), 1-34.
Nwiloh, M. O. (2022). Utilizing Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Improve Compliance
with Self-Care Among Hispanic Adults with Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and
Saarikko, J., Axelin, A., Huvinen, E., Rahmani, A. M., Azimi, I., Pasanen, M., & Niela-Vilén, H.
(2023). Supporting lifestyle change in obese pregnant mothers through the wearable
internet-of-things (SLIM)-intervention for overweight pregnant women: Study protocol
for a quasi-experimental trial. PloS one, 18(1), e0279696.
Wu, Q., Feng, J., & Pan, C. W. (2022). Risk factors for depression in the elderly: an umbrella
review of published meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Journal of Affective
Sampling, Reliability, Validity
Student Name
Instructor’s Name
Sampling, Reliability, Validity
The literature assessment seeks to examine the impacts of obesity on middle-aged adults
and nurses’ role in managing it.
Information on the Sample.
The literature review’s sample entails multiple scholarly sources containing research on
the impacts of the disease on the specified population and nurses’ roles. The sample includes
research studies, meta-analyses, systematic assessments, and mixed-method research conducted
in peer review journals. The materials were chosen since they concentrated on the research
questions and improved one’s comprehension of the topics.
The sample size cannot be used in the assessment since it concentrates on various studies
instead of focusing on research with various participants (Vasileiou et al., 2018). Each study has
different sample sizes due to their different natures. The scholarly sources utilized in the
assessment are relevant to the research since they are peer-review assessments scrutinized and
evaluated by health professionals. They offer knowledge and evidence on the impacts of obesity
on the specified population and how nurses can help manage the disease. The goal is to develop a
comprehensive topic assessment and improve people’s understanding.
The data collection approach entails systematic searches and choosing appropriate
sources from reliable and accurate databases. The strategy includes inclusion and exclusion
criteria to ensure consistent selection procedures. The inclusion criteria focus on research on the
impacts of obesity on the target population and nurses’ roles. The systematic strategy makes the
data collection processes consistent and trustworthy. The measurement tool to assess reliability is
scholarly sources. They have been reviewed, and the academic community considers them
reliable. The use of high-quality studies from reliable databases makes the information and
findings provided reliable.
Validity is proven using a comprehensive research approach that seeks to determine
scholarly sources that are relevant and from reliable databases. The inclusion and exclusion
criteria focused on studies that discussed the research questions and offered insight into the
topics. Utilizing various studies improved the sample validity since it resulted in different
opinions and strategies on the subject (Keeney et al., 2006). Considering the literature review
relies on available scholarly sources, there is no particular tool that should be tested for validity.
The validity of the relevant information and outcomes is ensured by choosing high-quality
research in peer-reviewed journals. The fact healthcare professionals have evaluated them
indicates the validity of the information within them. Also, using various studies with the same
findings enhances the validity of the review’s conclusions.
To conclude, the sample utilized in the research review entails different scholarly sources
like meta-analyses, research studies, systematic assessments, and mixed-methods studies in peerreviewed studies. The sample was chosen based on their focus on the research question, how
they contributed to the comprehension of the disease in the specified population, and nurses’ role
in managing it. Even though it is irrelevant to discuss sample size, considering it was a literature
review, high-quality studies make the information utilized valid and reliable. The data collection
approach utilizes a systematic strategy, thus ensuring information is consistent and accurate, and
scholarly sources are utilized as measurement tools. Validity was emphasized using a
comprehensive search approach and inclusion and exclusion criteria. The utilization of various
studies with similar outcomes strengthens the conclusions’ validity, and the research utilized in
the review is relevant and offers insight into obesity and nursing strategies.
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