Part 1
Discussion 1
Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:
• Convey your progress and/or barriers that have had an impact on your progress.
Barriers I have faced:
• Hospitalized for two weeks making it very challenging to keep up with the work
• Working full time
• Just started the nursing home administrator in training program for the state of FL
• Single mom.
Part 2
Student Response:
Student Response 1: Student response 1: Review the classmates’ posts and respond to at
least one in a minimum of 250-300 words. Explain why you agree or disagree. Then, share
an example from your professional experience to support your assertions. Must be in
APA Format
While coming up with the perfect content for my dissertation, I have faced a number of
challenges and barriers that have significantly affected my speed any pace in completing each
stage. The most significant barrier that I faced was understanding the perfect topic that can be
used for my dissertation. Being a Health Administrative class, the topic was to be related to
healthcare administration. However, I had selected a healthcare topic that is not related to
administration, and this was a huge setback. However, through the guidance and further
understanding of the requirements, I was able to get the perfect topic.
Another setback or challenge that I faced is time management. Having full time job and
balancing it with dissertation writing is a challenge, and this has affected my grades as well, as a
number of times I have had to submit the work a bit late (Boice, 1990). To ensure that I manage
my time perfectly, I have come up with a way of noting down all the week’s assignment and
planning on the best time I can have them completed ahead of time. This time management
plan has helped me to see some assignments submitted earlier.
Lastly, finding the best articles and sources for the dissertation writing is also a challenge, since
there is also limited time for each task. With this, I have not been able to get sufficient sources
for the dissertation writing. However, through the use of university library, I have been able to
navigate and access scholarly articles and other reliable sources for my dissertation.
Boice, R. (1990). Professors as writers: A self-help guide to productive writing. New Forums