please respond to the following discussion post:
“Evidence-based practice is a scientific measurement of data in the healthcare field that helps clinicians come up with better ways to solve problems. In the article by Luciano et al., (2019), they describe the four approaches that are used in evidence-based practice projects. These include data, resources, goals, and preferences (Luciano et al., 2019). In order to effectively implement evidence-based practice in an organization, you must properly collect data; sometimes the data that an organization gathers needs to be properly adapted. “Resources include infrastructure, supplies, space, and staff” (Luciano et al., 2019). Understanding the resources, you have in an organization will allow you to set reasonable goals. Each organization will have preferences of its practice, and this will also need to be considered when preparing a project. Evidence-based practice is essential to health care because every organization is different, and it allows the organization to relieve tension when trying to implement change.