Your program has provided many opportunities for you to cultivate your competencies as a leader. Think about how your experiences contributed to and will continue to contribute to you becoming a more informed, reflective, and responsive leader. The Leadership Impact Paper provides an opportunity for you to assess and reflect on your leadership journey and the knowledge and skills you have developed to help you guide and provide direction to others.
For this submission, you will write a 4-page culminating paper reflecting on your personal and professional growth as a leader during your program journey and planning for continued leadership development.
Step 1.Download the
Leadership Impact Plan Paper Links to an external site.
template and review the headings and guiding text.Step 2.Write your paper in the template using the guiding questions below. Personalize your paper by providing examples of how you translated the knowledge and skills you gained in your coursework into practice and authentic leadership experiences and how you will continue to develop your leadership skills.
Ethical Perspectives
Looking Ahead
Leadership Impact Plan Paper
Student Name
American College of Education
Course Number Course Title
Course Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Title of the Paper
This is your introduction. It only needs to be a brief paragraph in which you provide an
overview of the paper.
Begin your first topic here. Do not hit return or enter at the end of any sentence. Only use
the return or enter key at the end of a paragraph. Be sure to address what leadership qualities are
most important to you, and how have these qualities been enhanced by your graduate
Level 2 Heading (if needed)
Write a paragraph or more here for your first sub-topic area for the paper. This is not
required, but the formatting is provided if you WANT to use a level 2 heading.
Begin your second topic here. Do not hit return or enter at the end of any sentence. Only
use the return or enter key at the end of a paragraph. Be sure to address 1) How you have grown
as a leader during the course of your program journey, and 2) Which leaders in your field or
profession have influenced your transformation and why.
Level 2 Heading (if needed)
Write a paragraph or more here for your second sub-topic area for the paper . This is not
required, but the formatting is provided if you WANT to use a level 2 heading.
Begin your third topic here. Do not hit return or enter at the end of any sentence. Only
use the return or enter key at the end of a paragraph. Be sure to address 1) the implications and
applications of your learning and leadership for your profession, including examples, and 2)
How you can apply the leadership competencies you have gained or improved to make a
difference in your personal and professional life and in the lives of others.
Level 2 Heading (if needed)
Write a paragraph or more here for your third sub-topic area for the paper. This is not
required, but the formatting is provided if you WANT to use a level 2 heading.
Ethical Perspectives
Begin your fourth topic here. Do not hit return or enter at the end of any sentence. Only
use the return or enter key at the end of a paragraph. Be sure to address 1) the nature of ethics in
your profession and 2) when have you had to consider ethics in making decisions as a leader.
Level 2 Heading (if needed)
Write a paragraph or more here for your fourth sub-topic area for the paper. This is not
required, but the formatting is provided if you WANT to use a level 2 heading.
Looking Ahead
Begin your fifth topic here. Do not hit return or enter at the end of any sentence. Only use
the return or enter key at the end of a paragraph. Be sure to address 1) you will continue to
develop your leadership skills, and 2) What professional goals do you have?
Level 2 Heading (if needed)
Write a paragraph or more here for your fifth sub-topic area for the paper. This is not
required, but the formatting is provided if you WANT to use a level 2 heading.
Write a brief conclusion paragraph. Do not introduce any new ideas in this paragraph.
Keep reading to the next page to find information on formatting your reference page.
Carroll, A. B. (1979). A three-dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance. The
Academy of Management Review, 4(4), 497-499. [This is a journal article citation.
Articles from the Library databases are based on print journals so the citation can end
with page numbers.]
Collins, J. (2001). Good to great. HarperCollins Publishers Inc. [This is a book citation.]
Epstein, M. J. (2008). Making sustainability work. Greenleaf Publishing Limited.
Epstein, M., & Roy, M. (2003). Improving sustainability performance: Specifying, implementing
and measuring key principles. Journal of General Management, 29(1), 15-31.
French, S. (2009). Critiquing the language of strategic management. The Journal of Management
Development, 28(1), 6-17. [This is a journal
article citation from a Library database. Include a doi if available.].
Hollingworth, M. (2009, November/December). Building 360 organizational sustainability. Ivey
Business Journal Online.
ID=868 [This is a journal that is published online, so you would include the URL.]
Walgreens. (2010a). Mission statement. [This is a website citation
with a corporate author. If you retrieve information from various pages of this particular
website, you need to cite each web page. However, because the author and the year will
be exactly the same, the lowercase letters, “a,” “b,” etc. need to be added to the year. The
in-text citation would be: (Walgreens, 2010a).]
Walgreens. (2010b). Our past.