I need two power points sides presentation for 2 different topics. They must be 8 slides each. The presentation is going to be 15 minutes each one. I need the slides to show only points and the explanation i should say loudly inside the note spot in the power point. Please make some easy words that I can pronounce clearly and easy grammar. THEY HAVE TO DISCUSS ONLY THE POLCY PERSPECTIVE AND ISSUES NO CLINICAL AT ALL. I will attach the papers i have and the requirement please read carefully. Please have enough explanation each slide i can say so that it cover a minimum 15 minutes.
Health Workforce Shortage Policy
Health workers influence the global agenda as they move to drive health care and
maintain high-quality standards for patients with an understanding of ways to provide the best
health care at a lower cost (Ergin et al., 2017). When health workers demonstrate a moral and
scientific obligation to introduce and integrate system decisions and policies at the global levels,
they engage and empower medical evidence- based principles and practices. Medicinal services
administrations, nursing instruction and relocation of social insurance laborers are the most
common among the impacts of globalization on health (Ergin et al., 2017). Medical faculty
working together internationally can make a huge impact on global health through sharing
knowledge and skills and improving globalization access to health care.
Health Workplace Shortage Policy
Medical staff cooperating universally can have an enormous effect on worldwide health
through sharing information and aptitudes and improving globalization access to human services.
There is much reference to the monetary requirements looked by governments, actually assets for
health are not unreasonably rare in the event that they are estimated against the general
accessibility of assets all inclusive (Heywood and Shija, 2010). The biggest corps of social
insurance suppliers, medical caretakers have the ability to fill in as parental figures and be a
change operator in making and actualizing centered human services frameworks. Attendant
teachers are urged to play a main job in worldwide health and expand their perspectives on
medicinal services.
The deficiency of health laborers has been a menace affecting the health sector for
decades. There are different strategies which have been developed by health care management in
the past and present time to ensure that this issue is effectively addressed. However, the
strategies developed have not portrayed many results because the menace is still at the forefront
in the healthcare sector (Heywood and Shija, 2010). It is important that personnel in the health
workplace understand the state of the industry and be able to foresee what might happen in the
future. The article featured by the World Health Organization (WHO) last 2013 entitled “Global
Health Workforce Shortage to Reach 12.9 Million in Coming Decades” is about the feared
circumstance of social insurance in the coming years where about 12.9 million deficiency of
medicinal services laborers might be in 2035 and about 7.2 million lack at present.
Literature Review
As the United States accomplishes change objectives, we put resources into the training
of our human services industry. The workplace shortage is focusing on the human services
framework to the point of nursing projects qualified applicants are being rejected. Explanation
behind the dismissal for applicants is absence of scholastically qualified personnel for schools of
nursing. Global Council of Nurses (ICN), distinguish lack of clinical destinations, and
insufficient instruction spending plans. Information uncovered in the year 2011-2012, of all
medical projects dismissed qualified candidates totaled 64 percent (Nardi and Gyurko, 2013).
Extra personnel deficiency variables are worldwide relocation of medical attendants, a maturing
staff, more youthful workforce employing pool, diminished fulfillment with the workforce job,
and absence of financing and poor pay rates (Nardi and Gyurko, 2013).
Current arrangement is backing of the Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) to fill the
hole. NFLP gave credits to students seeking after staff planning (Nardi and Gyurko, 2013).
Condition for approach was the going into law far reaching medicinal services enactment for
medical workers to take an interest in the key advancement and backing of human services
frameworks that improve the health and social insurance of the country (Nardi and Gyurko,
2013). Quiet Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and Health Care and Education
Affordability Reconciliation Act made the political condition where medical attendants and
medical caretaker instructors will discover they can change culture of nursing care into
policymaking through political backing and impact, for strategy change (Nardi and Gyurko,
2013). The proposed policy change gives rules to maintenance, enrollment of qualified nursing
workforce, utilizing legislative issues to impact assets (Nardi and Gyurko, 2013). The proposed
strategy policy is training approach identified with social insurance frameworks tending to
medical issues. Approach guarantees quality and staff assets are accessible while access to
medicinal services is accessible to created and immature nations.
Expelling the medical staff lack permit nurture pioneers the lead in perceiving health
differences as a noteworthy hotspot for worry for individuals in less created nations around the
globe (Booth and Graves, 2018). Attendant pioneers in medical caretaker personnel positions
fortify jobs of a medical caretaker to nursing understudies in advancing quality social insurance
in created and immature nations (Booth and Graves, 2018). Senior medical Students fill in as
medical teachers, getting ready for future jobs as medical caretaker personnel. Understudies are
effectively included at the network level taking an interest in exercises to improve human
services for underserved people, and the network (Booth and Graves, 2018). Likewise, nurture
pioneers give medical exercises to incorporate health appraisal, health instruction as the
attendant head guarantee needs of the network are evaluated and tended to (Booth and Graves,
2018). The period of globalization has just seen the ascent of worldwide medical issues and the
desperation of these issues requests that attendants, as the biggest gathering of social insurance
laborers, achieve a worldwide view on health and become fit for making suitable arrangements.
The procedure ventures in a policy advancement procedure depend on issue confining,
motivation setting, and approach definition. At the point when a sound strategy is built up a
gathering of specialists meet and frequently concede to a certain something: Something must be
done. The state and government approach advancement procedure is like each other. At the point
when a state or government analyzes what is brought to strategy it is screened, gone through a
procedure, discussed and either executed or not. The improvement procedure analyzes; what
approach is actualized, what partners and how the social insurance later on are influenced, and
partners included. How the arrangement is created decides the achievement of the strategy. The
accompanying strides in the arrangement making procedure are distinguishing approach issues,
plan setting, detailing the strategy, receiving arrangement, actualizing arrangement, and in
conclusion assessing the arrangement.
As an APN policy advocate, idea mapping, a blended strategies approach for learning
sharing strategy procedure is utilized (Wutzke et al., 2017). Formal review plan level setting with
lawmakers will be choice motivation. Idea mapping distinguish sees among partners, and where
to organize (Wutzke et al., 2017). Methodology of the conference is to acquaint mindfulness
with the deficiency of nursing personnel, proposed worldwide effect and proposals for
enrollment and maintenance. Mindfulness will have an effect on the approach procedure,
exchange, and arrangement change. Partners for the strategy change are distinguished as open,
human services purchasers, medical attendants, suppliers, proficient associations, for example,
National League of Nurses (NLN), administrators to incorporate non-social insurance
lawmakers. The workforce job is a feasible vocation goal and bolster job for human services
suppliers access to mind.
The policy improvement manages ventures regarding why the strategy is actualized and
is the beginning establishment of the arrangement. This is the place individuals met up to toss
thoughts, plans, methodology, and give them to the council to begin the advancement procedure.
Initiative and the executives are both required of the arrangement advancement. Recognizing the
issue is the initial step inside the advancement procedure. Policy execution includes the people
putting the approach into works either at state or government level. Arrangement usage mirrors
an unpredictable change process where government choices are changed into projects,
methodology, guidelines, or practices went for social advancement .The contrast between
strategy advancements versus approach execution is the improvement is the introduction of a
strategy and until actualized into law the arrangement can’t be completed. The arrangement
advancement is the thing that begins the usage of acts that complete the activities of the strategy.
Kurt Lewin change hypothesis is utilized for the policy change. Lewin’s hypothesis
includes three phases, a hypothesis that is utilized by nursing where change specialists must
continue before change turns out to be a piece of framework. The unfreezing stage-change is
required, moving stage-change started and refreezing stage-balance. Lewin’s hypothesis relies
upon the nearness of driving and safe powers. The main thrusts for the arrangement change will
be the change specialists who push the strategy toward change helping those influenced by
change to be increasingly responsive (Mitchell, 2013).
Policy configuration procedure mirrors an adjustment in bearing and way to deal with
explaining the nursing personnel lack. Idea mapping principle systems will be organized into
themes (Wutzke et al., 2017). Configuration instruments are limit building devices with training
center. Structuring new training models that fit worldwide medicinal service’s needs, pooling
showing assets, and planning databases crosswise over associations following and anticipating
personnel needs (Hebenstreit, 2012). Teaming up among schools and organizations make
common beneficial understandings for administrations, bringing about limit improved nursing
staff and maintenance for worldwide human services (Hebenstreit, 2012). Policy change will
incorporate benchmarking system techniques with International Nursing Education Network
(NEN) working together between the ICN, and the U.S. National League for Nursing (NLN)
tending to global deficiencies of attendant personnel. The system gathering for worldwide
nursing instructor populace, is sharing of asset reactions of issues among medical attendant
teachers. Staff review results will acquire quantitative information recognizing elements adding
to nurture workforce deficiencies. It is significant as officials who worth the wellbeing of our
country perceive systems administration and coordinated effort make important results and
organizations (Bienemy, 2017).
Specific Managerial Implications
Communication among the partners was key for the three stages for change policy usage.
Lewin change model was utilized during the execution. Partners perceived attendants are vital to
progressing worldwide health and significance of instruction for staff authority and political
interest. Stage one comprised of administrative subsidizing for benchmarking assets and
techniques for drawing in with nations of various social and social perspectives including an
attention on instruction models, and systems administration programs (Carlton et al., 2007).
Subsidizing augmented for training of medical personnel who resolve to rehearse in underserved
territories (Wieck, 2003). Stage two, involved an instruction model, pooling of assets all around,
execution of group systems working together on worldwide issues among medical caretaker
teachers for unification (Ergin et al., 2017). Stage three, last stage was an adjustment center for
long haul impacts estimating adequacy for maintenance assessed through information
accumulation from studies and exercises (Ergin et al., 2017).
The policy change was assessed on three quantifiable results, expanded medical staff,
maintenance, and subsidizing. Workforce strengthening creates solid authority, improving
medical caretaker personnel deficiencies. Teachers enabled prompts imaginative conduct,
hierarchical perceivability, councils, and administration structures while supporting maintenance
(Hebenstreit, 2012). The NNFF program subsidizes recently enlisted workforce extending
nursing programs, enrolling and holding new personnel. The last effect might be best estimated
by recently employed staff propelling their instruction and staying in a workforce vocation way
(Daw and Mills, 2018).
Verifying and holding satisfactory quantities of workforce are fundamental to guarantee
all people intrigued and qualified for medical school begin the year they are acknowledged (Daw
and Mills, 2018). They are empowered as they enter in the calling to proceed to all program
levels to incorporate bosses and doctoral (Daw and Mills, 2018). Tri Council of Nursing
revealed, health of the country will be put further in danger except if there is a more medical
attendant staff instructed workforce (Daw and Mills, 2018). Evacuating the medical attendant
workforce deficiency, fortifies the job of the medical attendant as an innovator in guaranteeing
access to quality medicinal services in created and immature nations. Attendant staff should
comprehend culture decent variety to instruct skilled medical caretakers who will give socially
able medicinal services all around (Booth and Graves, 2018). It is significant for personnel
medical caretakers to know about both worldwide and urban/country contrasts. Instructing
procedures that take into consideration an inundation inside various populaces and societies to
team up and associate will help nurture workforce to create culture touchy worldwide hypotheses
in the homeroom (Booth and Graves, 2018). Upgrading mindfulness among partners can
guarantee the plan techniques are generally bolstered and connected with approaches. The
strategy change for medical caretaker staff lack makes an interest with more noteworthy
responsibility and straightforwardness in subsidizing, supporting access to human services in
creating and under creating nations (Booth and Graves, 2018).
Heywood, M., & Shija, J. (2010). A global framework convention on health: would it help
developing countries to fulfil their duties on the right to health? A South African
perspective. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 38(3), 640-646.
Bienemy, C. (2017). The Nurse Faculty Shortage in Louisiana. Pelican News, 73(4), 4.
Carlton KH, Ryan M, Ali NS, & Kelsey B. (2007). Integration of global health concepts
in nursing curricula: a national study. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League
for Nursing), 28(3), 124–129.
Daw, P., & Etta Mills, M. (2018). Investing in the Future of Nurse Faculty: A State-Level
Program Evaluation. Nursing Economic$, 36(2), 59–82
Hebenstreit, J. J. (2012). Nurse educator perceptions of structural empowerment and innovative
behavior. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(5), 297-301.
Ergin, G , Şener, H. Ö., Malkoç, M.,., Karadibak, D., & Yavuzşen, T. (2017). Effects of clinical
Pilates exercises on patients developing lymphedema after breast cancer treatment: a
randomized clinical trial. The journal of breast health, 13(1), 16.
Wieck, K. L. (2003). Faculty for the millennium: changes needed to attract the emerging
workforce into nursing. Journal of Nursing Education, 42(4), 151-158.
Carlton, K. H., Ryan, M., Ali, N. S., & Kelsey, B. (2007). Integration of global health concepts
in nursing curricula: A national study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 28(3), 124-129.
Wutzke, S. (2017). Beyond fun runs and fruit bowls: an evaluation of the meso-level processes
that shaped the Australian
Healthy Workers Initiative. Health Promotion Journal of
Australia, 27(3), 251-258.
Mitchell, L. (Eds.). (2013). Music, health, and wellbeing. Oxford University Press.
Booth, L., & Graves, B. A. (2018). Service learning initiatives in rural populations: Fostering
cultural awareness. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 18(1), 90-111.
Nardi, D. A., & Gyurko, C. C. (2013). The global nursing faculty shortage: Status and solutions
for change. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 45(3), 317-326.
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
RESULT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
SPECIFIC MANAGERIAL IMPLICATION……………………………………………………………………. 10
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Opioid abuse is among the leading cause of death in the USA and that is why state and federal
governments have been developing and updating policies to manage the conditions. Despite
many policies, death related to opioid use has always increased. This paper analyzed whether
comprehensive legislative mandates to use law and programs for delegation purpose which
include of implementing a prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) has been effective in
reducing opioid-related deaths in the USA. Missouri and West Virginia data were used to
evaluate the effectiveness of PDMP and related policies which were implemented before 2011.
Missouri is the only state that has never implemented PDMP. The result indicated that PDMP
and related policies helped in reducing opioid prescription-related death between 2011 and
2017. However, in the same period overdose-related death increased on states that implemented
Opioid is a strong prescription drug that is used as pain relievers. Opioid is among the
drugs that are often misused in the USA. The misuse is paramount such that it is currently
exerting a lot of pressure to government institution dealing with drug abuse mitigation. For
several decades, opioid-related deaths have been increasing in the USA. In the past years
majority of deaths are attributed to drug abuse mostly opioid. It is also known that in current
times the deaths related to opioid abuse are exceeding the number of people misusing opioid. It
is a clear indication that opioid abuse is a calamity that needs more than just medication to
contain problems associated with it. The federal government and state governments can control
production, distribution and use of opioid since they are the one who regulates pharmacies,
license manufacturer and even offers Medicaid services. Besides, there are policies that have
been designed to manage opioid abuse as well as to treat those who are already addicted. Some
of the policies include expansion of Medicaid under affordable care act, naloxone coverage, drug
courts, insurance regulations, workforce licensing and treatment facility regulation. Despite
many regulation and support policy being put in place to control opioid abuse, there is a reported
increase in the number of deaths associated with opioid use. One of the polices that was
implemented by most states include a comprehensive mandate that promotes PDMP. This study
is seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of PDMP and related policies in reducing opioid-related
This section is going to focus on literature that covers different policies that have been
proposed or implemented to manage the opioid problem in the USA. The review will focus on
the intention of the policies proposed, their weaknesses and possible course that may be taken to
improve them. The review will also focus on identifying gaps in the literature proposed.
The study by Miron, Sollenberger and Nicolae, (2019) suggests that there are so many
regulations that the government has put forward to curb the supply and hence uses of opioid
drugs. The government has also raided and closed facilities that are deemed to be overdosing or
misuse the opioid drugs. The study suggests that too much regulation has resulted in increasing
usage of illicit opioid drugs and deaths. The researchers suggest that the government should
work to increase the cost of producing opioid drugs, raid the illicit drug mills and decrease
restriction to alternative drugs use in maintenance treatment in the verge to reduce opioid
dependences. The research suggested that it will be beneficial to reduce legal restriction and
offer opioid drugs as over the counter in the safe form before embarking on ways to further
improve the safety of opioid usage. Above all the governments should weigh the costs and
benefits of their restrictions. If restriction results in more deaths then it should be avoided.
The research by Miclette, Leff, Cuan, Samet, Saloner, and Mendell, (2018) supported the
view of Miron, Sollenberger and Nicolae, (2019) that the government needs to weigh the cost
and benefit of each policy they propose with regard to opioid use control and abuse management.
Miclette et al., (2018) further found out that most of the policies put forward to manage drug that
is abused are usually not evidence-based. Therefore, the result has always been excessive
regulations that are not well thought out thus resulting in excessive abuse and many deaths. The
study suggested that there is a need for trust and collaboration between policymakers and
researchers so that the policies that are made they are based on evidence brought out by the
research. It was also very clear that there are no adequate researches that could be relied on to
develop policies to reflect the best practice in regard to opioid usage and abuses management.
Therefore, the future implication was that more studies that are detailed and accurate need to be
developed to aid policymaking.
The study by Sandoe, Fry and Frank, (2018) agreed with Miclette et al., (2018) that there
is needs to have policies that are evidence-based if the war on opioid abuse is to be won. The
study also found out that licensure and regulation of substance use disorder programs are very
important in promoting evident-based treatment. Licensure of nurse and physician is also very
important in managing the opioid addiction and abuse problems. The study also found out that
there is disparity especially those associated with income and many of patients of opioid abuse
do not have insurance coverage and thus getting better medication is difficult for them.
Therefore, any policies developed should consider the cases of most vulnerable in society.
Sandoe, Fry and Frank, (2018) study showed that there is no specific policy that is enough to
control the problems associated with opioid abuse. Therefore, it is important to assess the cost
and benefit of each regulation and policies to ensure only those that have high benefit in terms of
regulating, controlling and managing opioid and its related cases are implemented. The article by
Califf, Woodcock and Ostroff, (2016) showed that opioid addiction and abuse result to more
deaths than road carnage in USA. According to the study a balance between managing the
patients using opioid and regulation needs to be struck so that people will be assisted to get
medication and at the same time others will be prevented from engaging in drug abuse. One of
the areas that the article suggests to be checked is policy. The article suggests that there is a need
for more research with regards to why there is a rise in opioid-related deaths amidst many
regulations that aim to manage supply and usage of these drugs.
A study by Krans and Patrick, (2016) sought to evaluate opioid addiction affecting
pregnant women. The result is astonishing since pregnant women abusing opioids is at a record
high in the USA. The study also found out that penalizing pregnant women for use of the
substance may result in a boycott of pregnancy support medication. Therefore, to avoid
repercussions this study supported the view of Miclette et al., (2018) that it is important to
develop health policies that that are evident based to avoid the problem associated with opioid
abuse and in turn improve the conditions of the addicted women. The study by Cicero and Ellis,
(2015) suggested that set policies that aim at cutting the supply of drugs that are mostly abused
including opioid do not offer adequate solutions. Therefore, more has to be done especially by
developing the alternative pain relievers. Also, it is important for the government to identify and
crack down the illicit supply of opioid drugs.
Most of the literature analyzed showed that enacting regulations and policies is not an
answer to drug abuse problem including opioid. Most of the literature agreed that there is an
answer in collaboration ad trust between policymakers and researchers. Most viewed that setting
up evident-based policies is the answer to solve opioid addiction and abuse problem. Despite
most literature agreeing that there is a policy gap with regard to opioid abuse and addiction, none
of the literature provided a clue on what an evidence-based policy will look like or function.
Therefore, future study should focus on developing actual policies or samples of policies
proposal that is evident based thus starting the discussion to the real solution required.
This study will focus on quantitative analysis of the impact of comprehensive legislative
mandates to use law and programs for delegation purpose which include of implementing a
prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) (Bao et al., 2018). As at 2011, 37 states had
implemented the program together with other related policies. This study methodology is
quantitative meaning that numerical data was obtained and analyzed. The analysis utilized
trends to understand the change in mortality related to opioid deaths. The data used were
secondary. The data were obtained from the national institute on drug abuse. Descriptive analysis
was used and the result is presented in graph forms. This study will focus one two states; one
which had not implemented the comprehensive legislative mandate by 2011 and one which had
implemented. In this case Missouri and west Virginia data were used. The reason for choosing
Missouri is that it is the only state that has not implemented the PDMP program. However, a
general overview of data from other states was also analyzed to give a general view.
Figure 1: Number of opioid related deaths in Missouri
Figure 2: overdose rate of death and prescribing rate related to opioid in Missouri
Figure 3: Number of opioid related deaths in West Virginia
Figure 4: overdose rate of death and prescribing rate related to opioid in West Virginia
Comparing with other states, west Virginia had among the highest opioid overdoserelated death than any other state in 2017. A total of 833 people died due to opioid overdose.
This number is slightly lower than that of Missouri. Missouri had 952 deaths related to opioid
overdose. Comparing West Virginia data in 2017 and 2011, it is clear that death related to
prescription of opioid also decreased gently over the same period. For Missouri in a similar
period, it seems that there were no changes related to prescribed opioid deaths rather it remained
nearly constant all through. For the period between 2011 and 2017, there was no significant
difference between overdose death and prescription death related to opioid in Missouri. For west
Virginia prescription-related death reduced significantly over the same period. Overdose deaths
also showed a gentle decrease over the period. It should be noted that in west Virginia,
prescription opioid-related death seemed to be higher than overdose over the period between
2011 to 2017. However, prescription relate death seemed to reduce faster than overdose. It
should also be noted that comparing overdose death prior to and after 2011 in West Virginia,
prior deaths is low than the post-2011 deaths. In both states from 2015, there has been a drastic
and steady increase of deaths related to synthetic opioid.
It is evident that PDMP has assisted in reducing deaths related to opioid prescription but
it has led to an increase in death related to overdose in states that implemented PDMP and
related regulations. However, the effect of implementing PDMP is greater, since it has assisted in
reducing both prescription and overdose-related deaths in states that implemented the program. It
is also important to note that synthetic opioid is the major cause of death of all opioids and it
needs drastic solutions to control it.
PDMP and related policies need to be readdressed to ensure that deaths related to
countermeasures by drug users are addressed such that there is a reduction in sourcing illicit and
synthetic opioid since they are the major contributor to opioid deaths. To achieve that, policies
should seek to develop programs that are friendlier to drug users e.g. free medication, and
management care. It is important for a safer alternative to be developed so that those who
genuinely need opioid have safer options. Above all, prevention is better than cure. Therefore,
the governments should focus on the way to educate society on the danger of opioid, help them
avoid opioid and also assist those who are addicted to recover fully.
Bao, Y., Wen, K., Johnson, P., Jeng, P., Meisel, Z., & Schackman, B. (2018). Assessing The
Impact Of State Policies For Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs On High-Risk Opioid
Prescriptions. Health Affairs, 37(10), 1596-1604. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2018.0512
Califf, R., Woodcock, J., & Ostroff, S. (2016). A Proactive Response to Prescription Opioid
Abuse. New England Journal Of Medicine, 374(15), 1480-1485. doi:
Cicero, T., & Ellis, M. (2015). Abuse-Deterrent Formulations and the Prescription Opioid Abuse
Epidemic in the United States. JAMA Psychiatry, 72(5), 424. doi:
Krans, E., & Patrick, S. (2016). Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy. Obstetrics &
Gynecology, 128(1), 4-10. doi: 10.1097/aog.0000000000001446
Miclette, M., Leff, J., Cuan, I., Samet, J., Saloner, B., & Mendell, G. et al. (2018). Closing the
gaps in opioid use disorder research, policy and practice: conference proceedings. Addiction
Science & Clinical Practice, 13(1). doi: 10.1186/s13722-018-0123-3
Miron, J., Sollenberger, G., & Nicolae, L. (2019). Overdosing on Regulation: How Government
Caused the Opioid Epidemic. Retrieved 26 July 2019, from
Sandoe, E., Fry, C., & Frank, R. (2018). Policy Levers That States Can Use To improve Opioid
Addiction Treatment And Address The Opioid Epidemic. HEALTH AFFAIRS BLOG. doi:
Students will individually research a specific topic that is directly
related to health policy, which must be approved by the instructor
prior to beginning research. The use of secondary data is expected in
order to develop a policy problem statement and carefully analyze the
health policy issue. Economic analysis will be utilized in order to
separate the symptoms of the problem from the real health policy
problem. The central focus of the paper must be a specific health
policy problem, not a generalized healthcare problem (Ex: “obesity”
and “diabetes” are too broad of topics; please focus on narrower and
more specific policy issues).
This paper will pay particular attention to the secondary effects that
result from the health policy that you choose, and summarize the
managerial implications that are most relevant. Paraphrase all sources
very carefully instead of using quotations, and do not plagiarize.
Papers with more than 10% match on Turnitin to published sources
of any kind are subject to grade deductions at the discretion of the
APA formatted in-text citations and a formal reference list are
required. Papers must use Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New
Roman font with 1” margins bordering all sides of the page. The
paper will consist of a ten page (double-spaced) analysis of the
specific policy issue(s), with no less than ten current textbook or
journal references (no websites are to be used). The final paper is
due to the instructor (via the Drop Box in Moodle) prior to your
completion of the course’s final exam. The format of the paper must
consist of the following sections:
• Abstract
• Introduction of the Specific Health Policy Issue/Problem
Literature Review
• Methodology
• Results
• Specific Managerial Implications
• References
Each student will individually present an oral summary of his or her
health policy research paper. The case presentation must be recorded
via Panopto, and uploaded to the Drop Box on the Moodle course
page. This is a formal presentation, which must use the split-screen
view of both yourself speaking to the webcam, and also your
powerpoint slides on the split-screen as well. The presentation is to
be extemporaneous (not read directly from the paper or slides). If
you read from the paper and/or slides, do not expect a passing grade
on this portion of the assignment. The presentation should be
between 15-20 minutes in length, but longer is ok if you have more to
explain. 15-20 powerpoint slides (with APA reference citations on
them) should be used to help keep you on track by noting short
bulleted speaking points (not full sentences). The level of
professionalism during the presentation and the depth of the content
of the presentation are the central factors in grading. The link to
download and record via Panopto are on the course Moodle site.
Presentations must be completed/uploaded prior to your completion
of the course’s final exam.