-Online Textbook:
1950’s: Harlow, Bolby, and Ainsworth
section of the free, online textbook.
-The text can be read or downloaded in it’s entirety if you wish:
Parenting and Family Diversity Issues by Diana Lang
1. Baumrind’s Parenting Styles section of the free, online textbook.2. Additional Parenting Styles section of the free, online textbook.The text can be read or downloaded in it’s entirety if you wish: Parenting and Family Diversity Issues by Diana Lang ECED 2205 Parenting Worksheet
Grading: 20 points
[18 pts] – At least 3 sentences for EACH idea you write about.
You must have at least 2 of your answers from the videos and 2 of
your answers from the reading.
[2 pts] – complete sentences, grammar
1. THREE new ideas I have learned from the readings or videos.
____ [3 points] Idea/concept I learned – 3 sentences minimum:
____ [3 points] Idea/concept I learned – 3 sentences minimum:
____ [3 points] Idea/concept I learned – 3 sentences minimum:
2. TWO new ideas I would like to apply to my life or work.
____ [3 points] Idea/concept to apply to my life/work (3 sentences
minimum) :
____ [3 points] Idea/concept to apply to my life/work (3 sentences
3. ONE new idea I would like to know more about:
____ [3 points] Idea/concept I would like to know more about and why (3
sentences minimum):
Kerry Youso, ECED 2205, SCTCC