Use the five theories/models listed below:
Health Belief Model
Social Cognitive Theory
Describe how the article relates to the chosen theory/model.
[Place your name here.]
NR501NP Week Five Assignment
This paper will outline scholarly literature that addresses the five theories: Health Belief Model,
Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change, Social Cognitive Theory, Family Systems Theory and
Family Assessment and Intervention Model. The annotation will describe the summary of the
article, the relationship between the theory and the article, and a reflection on the impact of this
information on future advanced nursing practice.
Health Belief Model
[Insert article and annotation]
- Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change
[Insert article and annotation]
Social Cognitive Theory
[Insert article and annotation]
Family Systems Theory
[Insert article and annotation]
Family Assessment and Intervention Model
[Insert article and annotation]
Rev. 09/25/2022