1. Name of the organization
? Honey Bear Child Care and Preschool
Purpose of the organization
? The purpose of Honey Bear is to care for young children while also providing
early childhood education. Honey Bear focuses on early learning, school
readiness, socialization, play and exploration, routine and structure, and offers
parental support.
3. Population served (type of and disease(s) served)
? This day care serves the population of Glendale. The population is mainly
Armenian-Americans who are working and need help.
4. Geographical/environmental issues (describe the facility, physical layout, accessibility,
transportation issues if any)
? Detail and complete analysis of more than four geographical and environmental
issues of the organization.
1. Parking
5. Professional services available in this setting
? Identify more than three professional services available in this setting
1. Childcare
2. Early childhood education
3. Socialization and play
6. Social issues in the lives of the population
? Insightful and detail discussion of more than four social issues of the population
7. How does the organization communicate internally and with the larger community?
? Discuss more than four ways the organization communicates internally and with
? Internally- email, text messages, facebook, phone calls
? Community- local newspaper, word of mouth, social media (facebook)
8. What activities did you do during your community experience?
? Discuss more than four activities during the community experience.
1. Play and interact with children
9. Programs or changes to better serve the community
? Discussion includes more than four program changes to better serve the